Hunkered Down

I’m in the home stretch – or is it ON the home stretch? – Anyway, I’m hunkered down working to finish the re-write of my novel.  Some of you may have been around when I celebrated (prematurely) the completion of my book.  After my WTF Critique Group got through with it, I realized it was anything but complete.

I have been putting in long hours, bent over my computer trying to come up with new and interesting ways to “replace adverbs” and “fix the passive voice” and most devastatingly of all — rewrite the entire ending.  I really thought ending everything with a hugely [adverb] large and devastatingly [repeated adverb] intense fire was [passive voice] a great ending.  Unfortunately it’s been done before…and done and done and done.

WTF Critique Group challenged me to write something new and to dig deep and to…Oh, god, I hate to say it…open a vein on the page.  That’s my standard line and can you believe it?  They used it against me.  I mean, WTF?

No really, What The F**K am I going to do?



22 thoughts on “Hunkered Down

  1. Andy Sutton

    Skeptism…what the f#$k are you thinking. You are are a great writer. I love your posts and you need to stop second guessing what “corporate” thinks about your publications. Get it done and be proud of what you do. We like it and are patiently wondering what is next?

  2. serenelife

    whatever you do, leave yourself open to a sequel. what would have happened if j.k. Rowling burnt down Hogwarts in book one? 😉

  3. sallyjadlow

    Open yourself to dream a little. But make sure you have a pen and paper handy to jot down that fantastic idea. A flashlight doesn’t hurt either, in case you might want to read it in the morning.

    1. CrazieTown Post author


      I’ve always heard this as an idea but have never put it into practice. I received several journals and a tiny flashlight for Christmas and have been wondering what to do with them. Thanks!

    1. CrazieTown Post author


      Unfortunately, the critiques have been “in a drawer” since Christmas. I decided it was time to drag them out, hoping against hope that they wouldn’t be what I remembered. Didn’t work. The magic writing fairy did not change their words into the ones my mommy would have said. “It’s perfect just the way it is.”

  4. writebraintrust

    It is by sitting down to write every morning that one becomes a writer. Those who do not do this remain amateurs. – Gerald Brenan

    Writing is easy: all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead. – Gene Fowler

    Get black on white. – Guy de Maupassant

    If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write. – W. Sommerset Maugham

    Let’s face it, writing is hell. – William Styron

    Who casts to write a living line, must sweat. – Ben Johnson

    1. CrazieTown Post author

      Dear Write Brain Trust,

      So what you’re saying is…I need to passionately sit down and sweat, on a black and white page, dripping with blood?

      No problem.

    1. CrazieTown Post author

      Dear Middle,

      Thank for the good wishes. As you can see, I’m frantically monitoring my blog instead of working on my novel. Thanks for helping me procrastinate. Hopefully there will be more posts that I simply MUST reply to. 🙂


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