About the Mayor

Welcome to Crazie Town!

My name is Teresa Vratil and I’m the Mayor of this dysfunctional little town. My stories are about my crazy experiences, most of which involve my family.  I am one of eight children brought up in a loud, loving, obnoxious, Catholic (surprised?) family.  We grew up in a tiny house planted in the middle of a 500 acre farm owned by my grandpa.

I live in the Midwest, not far from the farm, with my husband, John.  Husband and I have a blended family of two boys and two girls, all grown and on their own.  Not many of my stories involve them — so you’re safe kids (at least for now.)

Most people will tell you I am a control freak but I prefer the term “Well-Organized.”  I keep my closets color coded and can stack dirty dishes to dangerous heights.

To quote Husband, “Living with you is like riding a roller coaster without being strapped in.”  So, if you’re ready for a wild ride, come for a visit to Crazie Town.  You’ll be surprised how much fun it can be.

Contact Info:  CrazieTown.com@gmail.com

19 thoughts on “About the Mayor

    1. CrazieTown Post author

      Why, ChrisBrakeShow, I have no idea what you mean. The Google search “How to Kill Your Husband” may have been sent to me because of my post, My Husband is Trying to Kill Me in His Sleep [click here]. But no actually killing was ever involved.

  1. Kimberly Guilbault

    I have to say you have become one of those must -stops in my weekly schedule. I myself have only been blogging for about a month and would dabble in reading all my friends blogs only. But since starting here I have expanded my reading to others on the site and I love, love, love yours. You make me laugh, and take a break from my crazy life. And that’s not easy to do these days. So Thanks for this!

    1. CrazieTown Post author

      Hi Kimberly,

      I guess Crazy/Crazie can travel all over the world! Thanks for stopping by and especially for your kind comments. As you’ll discover on your way through the blogosphere, sometimes it’s hard to know if anyone out there is listening. Best of luck with your blog. I’m on my way over to check it out!

  2. Pingback: Just Crazy « Spiritual Crossroads

  3. Valorie Wells Fenton

    Too organized?!?!? Is that such a thing? I have only recently “recovered” from the need to alphabetize the frozen vegetables in my deep freeze. In the ‘good old days’ of freezer delivery service, I used to body-block the delivery guy so he wouldn’t screw up my system. I mean really…everyone knows that Beans, Green go right before Beets. Never after French Fries. Those are in Potato, French Fries!!!

  4. Sherry

    Love your story….and can just see that little girl struggling to get it right! But, your table manners are impeccable so it worked!! Can’t wait for more…..

  5. Erin

    What, I had no idea you came from “crazy.” Hee, hee. I imagine there’s more where that came from. Keep ’em rolling.

  6. Kerry

    Way to go! I love it! Perfect intro. Great first post. All the hours of prep were well worth it–your inner control freak wins again!


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